Pardons are betrayal to police officers

As members of a typical working- class family in America, we have not only served the country and community in the military, teaching or volunteer service, but we believe in the rule of law as the very essence of our Constitution and the protection of our freedoms.
Now Trump has given a blanket pardon to the Proud Boys and other militia members and MAGA followers who committed acts of violence against police officers and threatened members of Congress on Jan. 6, 2021, with no concern. He has stopped the warrants on over 400 alleged offenders not yet caught.
These people were not simply holding banners protesting with songs and chants. They were there for violence. We watched in real time as police officers were attacked with shields, fire extinguishers, flag poles, bats and bear spray (who brings bear spray to an event to listen to the president?)
Now we are to ignore the work of jurors and the costs to taxpayers who brought these people to justice? With this pardon these people will be able to terrorize the communities to which they will return. The offenders are not ashamed of their actions, and they may even go after our police officers – the very people who try to keep us all safe.
My husband and I, our children and grandchildren have always been courteous to and thankful for our police officers, to value the work they do 24/7 to protect the rest of us.
This blanket pardon by a criminal president is a humiliation to all of us who value our police officers and the law. Trump has betrayed our police officers and those of us who follow our laws and respect those who protect us every day.
Cynthia Miller Benton Harbor